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First Book of 2022 Book Review

Legendborn by Tracy Deonn

5 stars!

Holy cow what a book to start off the new year. I finished this book in roughly 18 hours. I was super hooked. This was a book I got as an addition to one of my Book Of The Month books and had it sitting on the shelf. I'm kind of a mood reader and I didn't feel the urge to read it until New Years day. Let me tell you, I regret not reading it sooner and I'm bummed that I have to wait for book two, but good things come in time. This novel hooked me and kept me stuck to its pages. I loved the characters the underlying messages and the action. I would place this book in the YA fantasy category. I loved that it touched on King Arthur but it revieled more of what occured in the past with royal familys than what we discuss today. Skipping over the darker parts of history creates an inbalance I believe and I love that this book presents the issues of inequality not only between race but between the male and female as well. This book is easily one of my new favorites and I absolutely reccomend it to everyone!

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