Alice Won? (The Alice Pandemic Book 2) by Joshua Pantalleresco Illustrated by Kenzie Carr
5/5 stars
Alice Won? continues to follow Alice in her pursuit of the Queen of hearts. She stumbles into the underworld and her only way out is through the labyrinth and winning a game of croquet. Her opponent is Jason, from Greek mythology. Many other famous Greek mythology characters make an appearance as Alice discovers more about herself to escape the underworld.
This is the second book I’ve read by this author and he never ceases to impress me. The interesting layout of the story gives it the feeling of a long poem but the story speaks to me as a novel. It has an excellent flow that keeps the reader glued to the pages or in my case screen. I love the imagery and creativity. This book gave me a new perspective on Alice and I can’t wait to find out where her pursuit takes her next.
About The Author
Joshua Pantalleresco is a writer, poet, podcaster and freelancer.
His Podcast Just Joshing is a three time Aurora Award Winning Finalist and one time winner. You can find it here: or on any app you listen to podcasts too.
To date, he has written five books, both traditionally and independently. The Cloud Diver was his first novel and was released this year. His next book, Alice Zero and his Watcher Saga comprised of The Watcher, Stormdancer and The Wandering God are Gilgamesh style epic poems.
He's a freelancer, who writes a column at and has had works appear on a variety of other pages. He's even starting an audiobook biz in which you can find out more about it here:
He currently lives in Windsor Ontario.