Tell our readers briefly about yourself.
I’m a crime novelist intrigued with ‘what if?’ Some think I fake my positive attitude but it’s real. I live life as if it’s rigged in my favor. Expressing myself creatively is key to my happiness. I need to write and play my sax everyday.
What books do you have available?
At this point, I have over two dozen books published. Fifteen are in the Luca Mystery Series. I also have a smaller Suspenseful Secrets Series and standalones.
Can you tell us about your most recent release?
My newest MS has just been sent to the editor but The Preserve Killer, no 14 in the Luca Series was release in April of this year. It’s a twisty story involving a serial killer who poses his victims in parks.
Do you stay in one genre when you write or do you find yourself veering toward others?
I used to genre hop which made it difficult to gain traction. Now, I’m in the mystery/suspense lane and playing with thriller ideas.
Are you a panster, planner, or someone in between?
I prefer to think of my process as discovery writing.
What is your writing routine like?
I write every day. Very rare that I miss a day.
Tell me about your favorite character that you’ve created?
Frank Luca – he’s a homicide detective who stole the 1st book he appeared in and I promised to build a series around him if it sold.
Where do you get your ideas for world building?
I stay in the ‘real’ world.

Do you add romance to your writing?
In very limited doses.
Where do you get character inspiration?
Like most, I pull from the people I encounter in real life.
What genre do you prefer to read?
Mystery & Suspense
Do you have any specific authors you follow and try to craft your work after?
I don’t try to emulate anyone. I do try to keep readers guessing, ala Hitchcock and Agatha Christie
What does your editing process look like?
My first drafts are pretty clean at this point in my career. However, I go through the draft several times before sending to my editor.
Do you have a preferred drink or snack that you eat/drink while writing?
Water and iced coffee in the afternoon. (Wine at night but not while writing.)
When is your favorite time of day to write and why?
I rarely write at night. Many times my most productive are afternoons.
What is your favorite vacation spot?
I enjoy Italy and the South of France
What hobbies do you have?
Playing music and writing occupy most of my free time. Though I’m a huge wine drinker and have become quite knowledgeable about it.

What is your work space like?
Though I have a real office, I rarely write there. I write outside, on my lanai.
Do you have a selfcare routine that you follow?
Exercise every day, walk 5 days a week and weights 2.
What advice would you share with new or aspiring authors?
Write everyday if possible. If not, make a schedule, even if once a week, and stick to it. No matter what.
Where can our readers find you?
My website www.danpetrosini.com or Amazon.